Friday, July 16, 2010

The Audacity of Misdirected Lying

I grew up in the time America was changing. In those days Democrats were trying to be the party of the little guy, unions and those who wanted to promote social issues with as little government interference as possible. Republicans were the party of the fat-cat bankers, big business leaders and pushing Capitalism to the extreme making as much money as possible in the most creative ways on the planet. Times have changed.

I remember when our current political leaders were young, had long hair, beards, ran around naked, took more drugs than they will ever remember and had free sex with anyone who came along – the music of the time even celebrated loving "the one you're with" when you can't be with your mate. They regularly protested the Vietnam War, the industrial-banking-consumer establishment and the American government. Their mantra was to trust no one over the age of thirty.

Now, those same hippies who are well over the age of thirty have cut their hair (some have added implants to try covering their baldness), put away their frayed jeans, quit running around naked where the rest of us have to look at them (thankfully) and they changed their mantra to trust no one UNDER the age of thirty. The drugs and sex we’d have to take on a case-by-case analysis. I thought I knew who these people were way back in the Sixties, but over the years they morphed into something totally different.

Seemingly, the most confusing part of this change is their move from radical anti-American Government-ism into radical BIG government freaks. They want to change into this huge totalitarian government on steroids that oppresses The People with crushing regulations and overreaching agencies. There seems to be NO agency or regulation they find distasteful – unless it is the military or in some way keeps the people of this country safe. In their protest days they were all about tearing down the American government – today they are about building it up into a bloated version of government two-thirds of the citizens are against. They are building a monstrous bastardization of what they were protesting AGAINST. Those same people are all in favor of building a more massive government than has ever existed on these shores – one that reaches into lives for control in ways far beyond what the Founders fought agaisnt. They still hate the industrial-banking-consumer driven establishment which their followers took over, but they no longer hate the government. It is now their Deity.

There’s no REAL confusion on my part. As the days pass we see more and more clearly where these people who masquerade as American leaders are headed and what they’re all about. Those who have hijacked the Democrat Party are exactly what THEY have been since the sixties. I remember them on campus when I was in school. They were the radicals in the army garb who always passed out leaflets decrying the awfulness of American Freedom and how they had they answers that would set us all free. They were the socialist radicals. They were on every campus in the country, but most of us ignored them. They were idiots not worth the time to read their pamphlets. Nothing has changed. The people we have as leaders now are those same socialists that wanted to tear down what we have in the United States and replace it with the totalitarian socialism of the Soviet Union or China. They LOVE what those countries had – and eventually dide away with – BUT, they failed because they didn’t have our current crop of BRILLIANT American leaders. If they had OUR leaders they’d still be Workers’ Paradises. Or NOT. They probably would have failed much sooner than they did. These socialists wanted a communist state in the United States then and they are trying to bring it about now. Totalitarian dictatorships are the government style they have idolized their entire lives and they think they can bring it about here today. The real audacity of the whole situation comes from the misdirection they are throwing at the American people – that can easily be read as “lying” instead of “misdirection.” The Democrat party is no longer the party of the people. They are stepping up and becoming dictators and in order to make socialism work here they will have to do it the same way it has worked all over the world – at the point of a gun.

It’s not their slavish devotion to the Deity government that is confusing – that’s who they are and what they have done for fifty years – it’s their attempt to make government huge as if they will never lose power again that has me scratching my head. Logic is right out the window with this group. And that’s what has me worried. No one puts that kind of effort into building up power to hand it off to their opposition. There has to be more to the plan.

Americans deserve better.

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